Free Camera on a Vehicle?

I think you should just turn off bUseControllerRotationYaw and turn on Orient Rotation To Move and set the rotation speed to some value you find to work well. You can find these settings under your Movement Component and the Defaults section for your Character blueprint.


Hi guys, I’m looking to make a camera that allows you to look around while on the vehicle (which is a character) while the vehicle is stationary (eg looking left and right WILL NOT rotate the model). For moving it I’d be using the WASD keys (Which I already have set up, W S for forward/backward, A D for left and right) and then allowing the player to look left and right by using the mouse. I’ve been able to get it all working except for the mouse looking side to side. How would you go about setting this up? The vehicle is a horse so getting the player to be able to look around while riding is essential!

Here is my current input for blueprints:

Any help would be great. Thanks!

Then just turn off Orient Rotation To Move too. :slight_smile:

Hi, this seemed to work pretty well! Theres only one thing that concerns me with this. I’d like to the horse to keep moving based on the way hes rotated, but not the camera. Eg if I’m looking off to the left, and press W, he should keep moving forward in that direction, not to turn to the orient with the camera. How would you do that?

Hey, this still moves the camera in the same direction its pointing, but just dosent move the horse. So maybe a different thing would work?