Error unrealbuildtool was unable to generate project files

trying to play with the code for the shooter demo i followed some instructions from the forum and get an error.

make a new c++ project in rocket.

delete all files exept GenerateProjectFiles.bat.

copy all the files from ShooterGame into that folder.

double click GenerateProjectFiles.bat.

a cmd window opens and gives a few warnings and quite a few errors. tried to get a screenshot but the instant i press a key the window closes. the last error is the one in the title.

using the latest versions of everything.

This issue happened before, I included proper steps in a previous question. Here is the link

Here are the steps, let me know if you have any questions.

"In order for you to have the ability to compile the project must have a solution. Currently the samples don’t come with those but there is a workaround for this. What you will need to do is create a new project in rocket or using an existing one you made. Go to the project folder and you will see a file called GenerateProjectFiles.bat copy that into the ShooterGame folder and edit modify this line: …/…/…/…/Program Files/Rocket/Engine/Source according to where you have rocket installed. Save and run.

You will then get a solution file you can use to compile and modify things. Let me know if you have any issues with this."

Best Regards,

You shouldn’t have to do any copying of files into a new project. You just need to build the solution and project files for the sample game. There should be instructions on how to do that in the welcome PDF. Have you tried following those yet?

yes i tried what it says on the pdf first. on the second step i get ‘error couldnt find platform name’.

btw white text on a light blue background is very hard to read

hi Mick i’ve put a short video in the dropbox to show how it’s done to help you and anyone else

thanks george but that doesnt work for me. ERROR: …\Binaries\DotNET\RocketUnrealBuildTool.exe does not exist relative to …........\Program Files\Rocket\Engine\Source. Please ensure that Rocket is installed. just seen another post on here saying the new shooter doesnt compile

I hope I’m not being rude, but if vs2012 is supported things should at least work via command line switches, or at least place a link to the instructions somewhere in the “getting started” documentation.

I tried to read that forum post but the account/password I used to purchase Unreal Engine 4 isn’t working. So I registered a new account and I don’t have privileges to read those forums. I don’t understand why this solution is hidden in some corner on a private forum that your customers can’t even access and not on the front page of the “getting started” guide.

Hi Bleakwise,

This is an old post made by a beta tester on an old build of the Beta. VS 2012 is no longer supported and you will need VS2013. Any posts by “UE4-Archive” are likely to be resolved or changed, but were kept for reference.

Thank you for your understanding.