Get Actor Bounds returns large size for Characters?


I have an inventory system that allows me to spawn different actors into the world. Depending on their dimensions and origin, I add any offsets I need to make sure they’re positioned flush to the surface I want them spawned on. This all works fine except for when I spawn a character. ‘Get Actor Bounds’ returns a box of 1000x1000x1000. Any idea why this is or if I can reduce it?

The only workaround I’ve been able to come up with is to either get the bounds of one of the components, which isn’t as accurate as I want/would take a bit more maths. Or calculate the offset for each actor and store it in variable and use that.

Any ideas?

Most characters have a capsule as their root component.
Maybe try getting the capsule height and radius?

Could do. My only problem with that is that if any components are larger or smaller than the capsule, my calculations will be off.

I’ve had this same problem. Mine lies with using the “GetActorsInSelectionRectangle”. I tell it to look for my character class and it registers the actors well before it’s hit the character mesh.

I’d like to add that I have the same problem, something seems wrong here. 10 meter for a character? Could it be that there is a bug?

I would say if your capsule is not aligned to the real size, that your actor would have issues anyway (eg anything to do with physics)…

Sure, but only if they were meant to have collision on all components by design. If not, then it’s a problem

To be honest I’ve moved away from this method now because it’s been an issue for many version (I posted this back in Feb!) but what I was originally trying was to make a smart prop placement tool for user-generated content. By getting the bounds I could snap the prop to a grid placement no matter what prop size was, rather than telling it the dimensions manually. I had none-colliding components that only showed while the player was in an edit mode and allowed me to make ‘safe zones’ where props couldn’t overlap other props. Like I said, there’s plenty of workarounds for this and I’ve moved on since the original post, but either way it doesn’t seem right that a character’s bounds is 1000 UU.

Yup, I’m pretty certain that this isn’t intended result. It’s been like this for a very long time, so it might be worth submitting at as a bug but I’d suggest using workarounds in the meantime.