ServerTravel doesn't work on 4.7 editor

Platform: OS X

Version: 4.7.1

I was trying to look into getting ServerTravel to work with Blueprints, which led me to this question.

After doing what was mentioned on that answer, I still couldn’t get it to work. I did a little digging and found out that atm server travel only works if in the advanced play settings you:

  • uncheck Use Single Process
  • set Editor Multiplayer Mode to Play as Client
  • cannot tell server to listen

In this small repro I have a project that loads Map01. Repro steps:

A) Check Use Single Process

  • Hit play, in the server open console (set to key ), write ServerTravel Map02.
  • Notice how only server will travel

B) Uncheck Use Single Process, Editor set as server

  • Hit play, in the server open console, write ServerTravel Map02
  • Notice how only server will travel

C) Uncheck Use Single Process, Editor set as client

  • Hit Play, in the server open console, write ServerTravel Map02
  • Notice how both server and client travel

D) Option (C), but tell the server to listen

  • Hit Play, in server open console write ServerTravel Map02?listen
  • Notice how nothing happens on both client and server

BTW, this happens on both Console and Blueprint execute commands.

Hello nafonso,

I have been looking into the problem, This is actually a known issue and has been reported as Jira ticket UE-4677. We are working hard on fixing this and I will make sure to let you know when progress has been made.


has this been fixed?

I am also waiting on this issue.

I took a look into the report and it has been updated that they are no longer seeing the crash as of the 4.8 build. It was marked as resolved since it appears to not occur after that. Though the developer was not able to pinpoint a cause for the problem, he did find errors around it to fix, which may have been the culprits.

If this occurs for you again in the 4.8 release, then please let me know and I’ll reopen the ticket.