Bug: OnComponentEndOverlap casting fails


I picked up an issue where casting from oncomponentendoverlap breaks.
UE4 4.7.1


It states it creates an infinite loop


This is luckily not a deal breaker because i can instead run the event on the other actors removing the need to cast.
I am not sure if this is intended behavior but i doubt it.

To reproduce the issue create an event for a component end overlap.
And cast to the actor that triggers the end overlap.

Hello Crocopede,

I was unable to reproduce this issue on my end. I have a few questions for you to help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Could you send me a screen shot of both blueprints that are involved with this issue?
  2. Can you reproduce this in a clean project?
  3. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?


I have not been able to reproduce in a clean project. Apologies. Must be project related then.

I must actually have an infinite loop somewhere there. even though i cannot see it. But as a workaround i just created the same event in reverse on the sedanBP.

I think this can be removed from bug reports and chalked up as user error.
What made me think that it had to be a bug is that it only happens for that specific type of event.

For example I can cast to the BP if its a component HIT event. Or Component Overlapbegin event.

But the moment i use ComponentOverlapEnd then casting breaks saying infinite loop.

But on the sedan that specific event is working. Hmm. Maybe i created that event prior to the problem which would be an infinite loop. My bad.




Hi! i was able to sort of reproduce this error. In my case, when i use Begin overlap and cast it to my Character BP, it works fine, but if i cast it to my Main Character in End Overlap, I gives me an infinite loop error.

What am i doing wrong? i cant seem to find the infinite loop here

I tried using a cutom event but i still get the error
i read other posts of people with similar error, tried a variable to trigger it only onve, still get infinite loop. now i really dont know what i am doing wrong

After Experimenting i found out if i remove EndOverlap, it works fine. But if i put EndOverlap, it gives me an infinite error. How can i solve this? any help would be highly appreciated.