Making camera follow spline as path

What would be the most simplistic way to move a camera component placed in the level along a blueprint spline at a settable rate?

This thread may be be informative for you

You could use a timeline set to autoplay and looping with a float track. You could control the rate via your own float variable or via the length of the timeline itself. To actually move it along the spline, try this:

but in place of Spawned Target, put in your camera actor variable.

If you don’t want it to loop, just don’t have it loop.
If you want it to stop, you just need to plug something into the Stop when you want it to stop. Perhaps via a Custom Event after a certain amount of time or when it reaches a certain point.

Hi folks, I’m new to Blueprint but I’m trying to do this with a camera that will be usable in VR - would this also work for a VR player camera?
