Slate focus mouse and unfocus

Hello, I am currently working on an inventory system where pressing I opens the inventory.

My player controller looks something like this

void ATestHUD::OpenInventory()
	if (Viewport && bIsInventoryOpen == false)
		SAssignNew(MainInventoryUI, SInventoryWidget)

		SAssignNew(CursorItemUI, SCursorItemWidget)


		bIsInventoryOpen = true;

void ATestHUD::CloseInventory()
	if (bIsInventoryOpen == true)
		bIsInventoryOpen = false;

It works fine but at the start my mouse doesn’t focus to the slate view port. I have to click once to get it focused.
A lot of things have changed in 4.6 and old things in the answerhub don’t seem to work.

How do I focus to my slate and change the focus work? Something like SetUserFocus but I am not sure how to call it.

FSlateApplication::Get().SetUserFocus(1, MainInventoryUI);

This is such a simple thing basically each and every menu, inventory system uses it but why isn’t it documented at all?

I have the exact same issue.