4.71 Crowd Manager not created in PIE


recently I’ve updated to version 4.71 and encountered a problem where my AI characters don’t move at all. I found out that the problem is in TWeakObjectPtr CrowdManager being NULL in UNavigationSystem.

After debugging more it turned out that the CrowdManager is never created if bSupportRebuilding flag is set to false. I never intend to rebuild any navigation data so I don’t know why I should support it…

The CrowdManager is created for the “editor” world but whenever I press play in editor a new NavigationSystem is created and CrowdManager is not initialized. You can see the problem on following screen:

As you can see on the screen a new “NavigationSystem_2” is created where SpawnMissingNavigationData() is never called which is the only place where CrowdManager is actually created.

Hey ,

Thanks for nailing it down. I’ve filed it as a high priority bug and we’ll have it fixed as soon as possible, hopefully in time for 4.7.3 (fingers crossed!).

