[solved] Engine Source unavailable in VS 2013 Pro

Hey guys,
I just tried downloading the full source code for UE4, but I stumbled over the following problem:
My steps were

  • Forking the github repository
  • Cloning the forked repo into a local folder
  • Executing setup.bat
  • Executing GenerateProjectFiles.bat
  • Opening UE4.sln with Visual Studio 2013 Professional

So far so good, right?
Nope. VS marks most projects in the solution as “incompatible” (including the complete UE4 project…), and when I try to reload the project, I get the following message:

Unsupported This version of Visual
Studio is unable to open the following
projects. The project types may not be
installed or this version of Visual
Studio may not support them. For more
information on enabling these project
types or otherwise migrating your
assets, please see the details in the
“Migration Report” displayed after
clicking OK.

  • UE4, “C:\Users\Desktop\UE4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\UE4.vcxproj”

Non-functional changes required Visual
Studio will automatically make
non-functional changes to the
following projects in order to enable
them to open in Visual Studio 2013,
Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio
2010 SP1. Project behavior will not be

  • UE4, “C:\Users\Desktop\UE4\UnrealEngine\UE4.sln”

The migration report shows just this:

The application which this project
type is based on was not found. Please
try this link for further information:
Visual C++ Project Types | Microsoft Learn

Any ideas on how to get it to work?
I tried all the steps twice now (All but forking the repo of course, doing that twice seemed a little pointless)

Hey -

Do you get the same error if you download the zip file of the source code? After extracting the zip to your computer you should be able to run the Setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat and continue from there.


I tried that now, and it doesn’t work.
The very same error when opening the solution :frowning:

If you have other versions of VS such as VS2012 on your computer I would try removing them before creating a project. Another option to try would be to use the free VS2013 Community version rather than the Pro version.

I had VS2012 on this computer once, so I cleaned the registry (using CCleaner). I also saw, that my VS2013 only had the second update installed, so I installed update 4 and now it works.
I am pretty sure it was the update that helped, but it doesn’t really matter anyways.
Thanks for your help,

If you solved problem yourself, answer to your own question how you did that and mark it as right answer please