Hosted user-generated content

Hi everyone!
We’re currently evaluating UE4 and other engines for a non-game application that is supposed to help product designers visualize their products in realtime. In addition to providing various content creation tools (procedural geometry, materials, asset placement), the user should also be able to load his own geometry files to place and view them inside the visualization. Since this shall be usable as a team-based solution, we want to store user-generated content on a cloud system for team users to access.

After some initial research, I found out that content can be streamed by building PAK files and distributing them through the UnrealFileServer. PAK files however would require the Unreal Editor to be built.

Now, we obviously don’t want to throw the entire Unreal Editor for importing and building assets at people who are no game developers and would get totally confused with the many options. Is there any option to embed a comparable functionality at runtime?

Did you ever find out a solutuon? Wondering about the same thing