Rotating Movement Component not working

I’ve been trying to use the Rotating Movement component on an actor to give it the ability to rotate round a point, determined by another component attached to it.

Every tick, a branch checks if the hook component is detached from the character.
If it is, it sets the Y element of the pivot translation to be equal to the Hook Distance from the player.
Then it activates the component (the idea is that it is only active when the player has the mouse down, which i’ll fix up later)

After this it deals with moving the hook outwards from the player, which all works correctly.

The problem I’m having is that instead of rotating the character round the point like it should, the character moves forward, it’s speed being related to the Hook Distance value.

I’m not sure if i’ve done things in the wrong order, or if I just havent used Rotating Movement correctly at all, but I can’t see any reason it should be moving forward