Obj sequence import for UE?


Is there something like geo sequence importer in UE?

For instance,

geo.0001.obj geo.0002.obj geo.0003.obj geo.####.obj ~~ geo.0034.obj

will play like image sequence?

re-posting this thread for the one who knows the answer but missed this thread.

It does not have to be obj but have to read through different object each frame.

If there is none, I might have to write my own :slight_smile:

btw, belowis what Epic told me about this issue,

We do not have that system yet. We’re
having active discussion about this
but as of now, we don’t support
dynamic mesh renderer that supports
random stream of verts per frame.

I think what you can use as
intermediate is to use blendshapes and
blend between. Basically your each geo
will import as skeletalmesh
blendshapes (although I think you’ll
have to set this up in DCC since we
only look for blendshape objects), and
each frame one blendshape will be
active. At any time, only 2 would be
active by weight.


Hey! did you happen to get this thing done? kindly help, I am trying the same thing.