Example Request - C++/Blueprint combination

I would like to request small example about combining C++ and blueprints.

In example weapon. Where some parts of weapon like fire modes, shoot type (projectile, hit scan), ammo, attachments (grenade launcher, optics etc), are defined in C++ and Blueprints are used to to create new weapon from objects created in C++. It doesn’t have to be weapon, but I think most people will understrand it best. It could be more generic example.

Shooter example have entire thing coded in C++ and Blueprint is just used as contructor would be. I’d like to see how would this weapon functionality be splited into diffrent classes and then assmbled inside Blueprint.

I’m pretty sure it is how the BPs are inteded to use, I just can’t wrap my head around and even simple example of such cooperation would be very helpful.

There are LOTS of ways Blueprints can be used :slight_smile: It rather depends on the structure of your team, the game you are making, and even the phase of the project. We have other sample games in the works that show some different workflows, doing a bit more work in the Blueprint itself. We also have some sample games built entirely in BPs. We are improving the BP editor right now to make it easier to do things like choose which C++ component you want to attach components that you add in a BP to.