Failed to load Parent for BlueprintGeneratedClass when building for dedicated server

Hey unreal community!
When building my project in the editor, my build starts in a spectator mode. None of my custom created stuff seems to be working. My custom players, weapon or pickups do not show. The project settings->maps en modes is filled in correctly as well as the world settings game mode.

Upon cooking with UnrealFrontEnd I discovered the following error message:

Failed to load Parent for BlueprintGeneratedClass.
Its like it doesn’t know where my custom c++ classes are.

Even an error on editor stuff:

Failed to load font data from ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf’

These are my package settings in the editor:

  • Build configuration: Development
  • Full rebuild on
  • Use Pak file on
  • Include prerequisites on

Does anybody has an idea?

Thanks in advance

Did you find out what was causing this?

Hi Rusty_Devver,

Are you still seeing this problem? If so, can you provide us with more information? This thread lists all of the info that will help us find out about your setup, and this one shows how to obtain logs (in a packaging failure the logs are arguably the most important info).

Thanks very much!


An answer on another question solved my problem. Link

By cooking the correct way it didn’t gave me any errors like this.

Awesome! I’m promoting your comment to the answer, and I’m going to edit your post’s title a little bit so that others searching for this answer will more easily find the solution you linked. Thanks very much for the update!