4.7.2 iPhone deployment - "underscore issue"

Hi there,

In 4.7.2 I am unable to deploy my project to the iphone (iphone 5 running 8.1.3 but I don’t think we’re getting as far as talking to the device).

TappyChicken still works.

I’ve been looking through the settings but bundle, projectname etc all have the _ stripped - but it still generates mm**_**04.ipa

Any tips on easiest way to get rolling again?

Deployment and project launcher logs should be attached.
link textlink text

It looks like the name of the executable we reference in the plist removes the underscore, but we aren’t removing it from the executable. This is definitely a bug on our side. The quickest solution is to make a project without an underscore in the name. I’ll put in a ticket to get this fixed.


Hi Pete,

Any idea when this might get resolved?

Rebuilding my project is a PITA (Pain In The …), my main concern being disjoint revision history. I tried some renaming but the original name with the _ is still contained somewhere in the project internal data.

If a fix is likely in the next month I’ll sit on my hands but if it is going to take longer I’ll need to do a proper rebuild at my side.

Any advice on minimal steps to rename the project would be welcome. The clone option seems to do a minimum.

It is scheduled for the next full release, but I am not sure when the next fulle release will be out. As for minimal steps to rename, the uproject file (and the name in the uproject) as well as the class names in Source/Game.Build.cs should be all you need to rename.


Thanks Pete - I’ll hold onto me britches for a bit then…

Hi Pete - looks like 4.8.0 Preview 1 still has this problem.

Ya, I just got the fix in late last week. Not sure it will be in preview 2, but definitely preview 3.


Awesome - thanks!

Hi Pete - the fix made it into Preview 2.

BRILLIANT!! :slight_smile: