Cant get android to work

I installed TADP and I installed the android sdk manually and set up the environment variables to point to my manual installation of the sdk and java while i kept other variables like the one for ANT_HOME in the defualt C:NVPACK/x location and everything worked nicely and my android devices showed up but when i tried to launch a game on my android device i had this error at the end Failed to get package name UE4Game-armv7.apk and when i looked in the appropriate directory it was pointing to in this case C:unreal engine/engine/binaries/android/UE4Game-armv7.apk
I didnt even have an android folder

So i looked at other user posts that suggested re installing TADP and re compiling the engine. I deleted my manual installation of the android sdk, re extracted the source code for unreal engine and deleted tadp then re installed tadp , then i ran the GenereateProjectFiles.bat and re compiled the editor and now I cant even see my android devices.

  • I followed the guide to setting up the variables but i left them default as they pointed to the right locations of the NVPACK

  • I tried adb devices my device shows

  • I restarted my computer after the installation of TADP and then compiled the engine

  • I updated my android SDK

It feels like there is a problem with the TADP installation as before when I pointed my sdk location to my manual installation at least udk detected my device now it doesnt.

Picture of my environment variables and other information

Screenshot Uploaded to imgur

Hi Xymos, are you getting the editor from our Launcher or are you using the GitHub source?

Hi Adric , thanks for the fast reply!
I am using the GitHub source code which i compiled using microsoft visual express just like in the tutorial video on UnrealEngines youtube channel.

This is a known issue with the GitHub source version, and we have a ticket in our system for it.

You will need to manually build the Android UE4Game binaries before you can package/deploy Blueprint-only Android games. To do this, open the UE4 solution in Visual Studio and build with the Development Android settings. After that, you should be able to launch to your device.

And how do i do that? Is it the configuration manager in visual studio? Because there is no Android in solution or platform unless its the android automation.

Sorry, it looks like you have two issues here, and I only answered one. The issue about not finding the APK should be solved by my previous answer, but it looks like your Android installation is now messed up.

The env vars you posted look right, but your C:\NVPACK appears to be missing the android-ndk-r9c folder. You should be able to install that by re-running the TADP installer, choosing a custom installation, then selecting only to install the NDK.

Also, did you regenerate projects after installing TADP (in particular the NDK and the Nsight debugger)?

I did as you said with the ndk pack and then I complied the package using android settings and the android folder showed up in the binaries folder and the files i was missing were there but when i launched the editor my devices werent showing up so I re packaged the engine again using standard development editor settings and it works now i can launch on my device. thanks for the help

worked fine. and it produced these files:

D:\UnrealEngine 4.4\Engine\Binaries\Android\
D:\UnrealEngine 4.4\Engine\Intermediate\Android\APK\
D:\UnrealEngine 4.4\Engine\Intermediate\Android\google-play-services_lib\

but the build completed with several errors:

Error	23	error : UnrealVersionSelector does not support the Android platform.	D:\UnrealEngine
4.4\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\EXEC Error	24	error MSB3073: The command "..\..\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UnrealVersionSelector Android Development" exited with code
-1.	C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets	38
    Error	27	error : BlankProgram does not support the Android platform.	D:\UnrealEngine

on other build configuration, those error steps are skipped .
so i think ,on android configuration ,someone forget to add skipping flag on those steps.
anyway, do i need to concern about those errors ?

Howdy Muzaheed,

Thank you for reporting these errors that you have been seeing. Have you attempted to package your project in the 4.4.1 build of UE4? Also, Have you been successful in a deployment of the packaged project to your Android device? If you have, Have you seen any errors with the project?

Thanks and have a great day!