Reroute Nodes in Animation Blueprint Component Pose Don't Work

Hi Everyone,

When I put reroute nodes into animation blueprints Anim Graphs between component pose input and outputs, the link no longer works.

As soon as I remove them, the AnimGraph works fine.

Is this just me or is it a bug, or by design?



Heyo StuButler,

Thanks for reporting this! It is a bug that we hadn’t found until now. I have entered it as UE-11380 (bug # here for tracking purposes only).

Please send along any more feedback or bugs that you notice!

This bug has been marked as fixed and should be in a future release.

I am currently on 4.13 and this bug is back for me

Hey asmischney,

Are you using Cached Poses? We have an active bug (UE-35557) in for reroute nodes breaking any Cached Poses.