[Bug Report] HTML5 app fails to launch properly


This is what I get trying to run my app in HTML5.

Error: uncaught exception: abort() at jsStackTrace@
__ZN15SElementTesting14TestBoxElementERK21FOnPaintHandlerParams [SElementTesting::TestBoxElement(FOnPaintHandlerParams?&)]@
__ZN18FFreeTypeInterface11GetFontFaceERK9FFontData [FFreeTypeInterface::GetFontFace(FFontData?&)]@
__ZN18FFreeTypeInterface13GetRenderDataERK9FFontDataiwR20FCharacterRenderDataf [FFreeTypeInterface::GetRenderData(int&, wchar_t, float&)]@
__ZN18FFreeTypeInterface12GetMaxHeightERK14FSlateFontInfof [FFreeTypeInterface::GetMaxHeight(float&)]@
__ZNK14FCharacterList12GetMaxHeightEv [FCharacterList::GetMaxHeight()]@
__ZNK17FSlateFontMeasure21MeasureStringInternalERK7FStringiiRK14FSlateFontInfobfiNS_25ELastCharacterIndexFormatERi [FSlateFontMeasure::MeasureStringInternal?N(int&, int, bool&, float, int)]@
__ZNK17FSlateFontMeasure7MeasureERK7FStringiiRK14FSlateFontInfobf [FSlateFontMeasure::Measure(int&, int, bool&, float)]@
__ZNK13FSlateTextRun7MeasureEiif [FSlateTextRun::Measure(int, int, float)]@
__ZNK11FTextLayout9FRunModel11CreateBlockERKNS_16FBlockDefinitionEf [FTextLayout::FRunModel::CreateBlock?S(undefined?N?&)]@
__ZN11FTextLayout20CreateLineViewBlocksEiiRiS0_S0_R6TArrayI10TSharedRefI12ILayoutBlockL7ESPMode0EE17FDefaultAllocatorE [FTextLayout::CreateLineViewBlocks?S(int, int, int&)]@
__ZN11FTextLayout14FlowLineLayoutEifR6TArrayI10TSharedRefI12ILayoutBlockL7ESPMode0EE17FDefaultAllocatorE [FTextLayout::FlowLineLayout(int, float, undefined?0? TArray?e?>?&)]@
__ZN11FTextLayout10FlowLayoutEv [FTextLayout::FlowLayout()]@
__ZN11FTextLayout12UpdateLayoutEv [FTextLayout::UpdateLayout()]@
__ZN11FTextLayout14UpdateIfNeededEv [FTextLayout::UpdateIfNeeded()]@
__ZN16FTextBlockLayout18ComputeDesiredSizeERKNS_11FWidgetArgsERK15FTextBlockStyle [FTextBlockLayout::ComputeDesiredSize?S(undefined?N?&)]@
__ZNK10STextBlock18ComputeDesiredSizeEv [STextBlock::ComputeDesiredSize()]@
__ZN7SWidget16CacheDesiredSizeEv [SWidget::CacheDesiredSize()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZN7SWidget12SlatePrepassEv [SWidget::SlatePrepass()]@
__ZL24PrepassWindowAndChildren10TSharedRefI7SWindowL7ESPMode0EE [PrepassWindowAndChildren?1()]@
__ZN17FSlateApplication11DrawPrepassE10TSharedPtrI7SWindowL7ESPMode0EE [FSlateApplication::DrawPrepass?1()]@
__ZN17FSlateApplication18PrivateDrawWindowsE10TSharedPtrI7SWindowL7ESPMode0EE [FSlateApplication::PrivateDrawWindows?1()]@
__ZN17FSlateApplication11DrawWindowsEv [FSlateApplication::DrawWindows()]@
__ZN17FSlateApplication4TickEv [FSlateApplication::Tick()]@
__ZN11FEngineLoop4TickEv [FEngineLoop::Tick()]@
__Z10HTML5_Tickv [HTML5_Tick()]@

If this abort() is unexpected, build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 which can give more information.

And this is how the rendering looks like:

Basically there is nothing fancy in there, just an ArchViz appartment with pretty much standard scene settings with just w few Blueprints to change objects’ color or show an information panel, nothing more. And some UMG UI of course, which seems to be causing the problem, as “Slate” does come quite often int the error log. I am using a custom font for the UMG widgets.

You can check how it’s supposed to look and work like here: http://pro.cameleon-labs.com, the Big Black Button down the page will start the download of the Win app.

I am using UE 4.7.2 and .

Hey ,

Did you obtain the Engine through our Launcher or through GitHub? Could you please provide me the exact steps you took to launch your project in the format of HTML5? For instance, did you simply launch on, package or use Unreal FrontEnd?

Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks!


I am using the launcher version of the engine.
The project was made entirely in 4.6.1
Than it was converted to 4.7, than the two hotfixes came.
And I did use the “Launch the game on this HTML5 device” option from the editor.
I did also try to package the game for HTML5, and the result was the same.
I can upload the project itself, and provide you with a download link if that helps, just let me know can I send you the link.

Hey ,

Have you tried pushing a project to HTML5 from one of our templates? Did you encounter the same issue?

Could you please go ahead and upload your project for me? I can then investigate further for you. Just provide me with the link when you’re ready.



I did push one simple, almost an empty project, and it seemed fine. I will zip the files and post the link.


You can download the project: http://pro.cameleon-labs.com/dl/AppSmall47.zip


I have pushed the Sun Temple scene to HTML5 just to test it out. It launched and rendered just fine, the only problem being some inprecise mouse behaviour. So we can surely narrow this down to the project features, as the machine and the engine instalation are 100% capable of pushing a functional HTML5 scene.

Hey ,

Thanks for looking into Sun Temple on HTML5. I’m glad that HTML5 is set up correctly on your machine.

After packaging your game in HTML5 and running it on a SimpleHTTPServer, I was unable to get the game to function. I received an error: “Warning: Unresponsive Script”. I tried this twice, selecting continue and selecting debut script within the warning message. I wasn’t able to get it to function as a game in HTML5 at all.

However, I was able to launch your project onto Windows and it worked perfectly fine.

I have submitted a question to our HTML5 developers for more information regarding the errors and I received while working on your project. I should receive some information soon.


Hey ,

I haven’t heard from you in a few days regarding the issue however, I did check on the bug report status. This is a major issue that they’re working on at this time, but it hasn’t been resolved as of yet. If you have any further questions regarding this specific issue, feel free to contact us back at any time on this thread, or reference: UE-11410.

Thank you!

I am (patiently) waiting for the solution simply hoping that the fix will make it into the next release. If the HTML5 guys come up with some kind of a temporary workaround I would be really greatfull if you could post it here as well.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Hey ,

I can’t guarantee when it’ll be fixed however, I’ll keep a watch on my reports submitted for any updates.

Have a great one! :slight_smile: