How can I make Turret Projectile Restart level upon Pawn Collision

I have made a blueprint for a turret which finds the pawns location, checks its distance and fire a spawned projectile at it constantly towards the player pawn whenever its in range, the projectile will sometimes hit the pawn or sometimes miss whether iv moved out of the way or not, Im not having problems with it actually hitting the pawn but infact trying to figure out what to add to the blueprints to make it restart the level whenever the player pawn collides/ is onhit with the projectile, Iv tried many different things but I just cant get the option for ‘onhit’ / ‘oncollision’ either :S they wont let me click on it in the blueprint whenever i right click.

Here i have linked my Projectile blueprint which spawns from the turret and the firing weapons part of the turret blueprint ‘there is more to the turret blueprint such as rotate to find player pawn etc but i guess that isnt relevant’

help would be very much appreciated as iv been struggling with this for a while now :frowning: just keep running into problem after problem

There are a ton of ways to fire a proximity event (damage events, trigger events, collision events, etc.) but here is one way to do it. How do I make a player death or level reset in blueprints? - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums

I know about killZ but thats not what im trying to do, I want to make the projectile kill the player upon contact :s Still trying to figure this out cant get my head around it at all, tried many different things


just modify your turretprojectile blueprint as follows:

This checks if the actor that was hit by the projectile was the player and if it was, destroys the player and then reloads the level. You can add a delay in there as well if you want or do whatever you wish to do. Obviously set up your spawn emitter at location as you did before. I was too lazy to copy everything over :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you trying to reset a level or kill a player? I’m just confused I guess.