Error: security settings do not allow installation of this program

I cannot find the setting that needs to be changed. I’ve checked everything and there is no reason that it shouldn’t download. Is there anything else that I should look at?

Hi AndrewP,

Are you trying to download the installer from the web or are you trying to install the software on your computer?

Hi AndreP,

Just to clarify, are you trying to download the installer for the Launcher?

Or are you trying to download an engine version from the Launcher?

I’m trying to download the initial packet so I can install it on my computer.

Hi AndreP,

It sounds like an antivirus or security program is preventing the installer from downloading. It should be possible to temporarily disable it in order to download the installer.

Hi Hi AndreP,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that Pete posted above.
