How to pass FString as a Parameter

I simply want to pass an FString from blueprint to C++.

The following code compiles fine:

// In .h	
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Overloud")
void passString();

// In .cpp
void AEncapsulator::passString_Implementation() {

However the following code does not:
// In .h
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = “Overloud”)
vois passString(FString input);

// In .cpp
void AEncapsulator::passString_Implementation(FString input) {

The errors are as follows:

error C2511: ‘void
: overloaded member function not found

error C2511: ‘void
AEncapsulator::passString(const FString
&)’ : overloaded member function not
found in

Any help is appreciated.

Bumping this question…

const FString& input

Thanks that worked but can’t I pass a non constant FString?