UMG 2D to 3D


i have taken a look into UMG.

Now i have two questions:

Is there a workaround to make everything 3D, not just 2D.

And can i make e.g. buttons that have not a certain size in px, but a size % to the viewport resolution.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

In terms of making everything 3D, do you mean to render the UMG UI in 3D world space or to render a 3D object/actor onto the UMG UI?

You can make the button scale using some blueprint and HUD functions. You can use the Get Viewport Size function and implement your own scale to percentage function.

Oh hi,

this question is old. meanwhile i solved it. Your answer is right :smiley:

Set it to answer, so i can set it to “solved” :smiley:

Question wasn’t answered on 3D portion. Did you find an answer to this; is it possible? I would be interested in knowing. Thx

Regarding to this question i have made a project called tesselation map. (This project is free)


Within this project i have put a material onto a plane attached to the player and rotated it a little bit.

PsychoSTS already said it to use Get Viewport Size and use that value to make e.g. a button that is scaleable.