Actor-extending Tick? (c++)


I’m trying to make a new class extending from AActor. For starters my new WorldTime class works fine and I’ve made it placeable and placed one of it in a level, and even included a spritecomponent.

I’ve made a log event and so I’ve gotten a successful log from PostBeginPlay:

void AWorldTime::PostBeginPlay()
	UE_LOG(LogCustomGame, Log, TEXT("PostBeginPlay")); // successfullly outputs "PostBeginPlay"

however I’m stuck trying to make it tick. tried this but it does nothing:

void AWorldTime::Tick(float DeltaTime)
	UE_LOG(LogCustomGame, Log, TEXT("DeltaTime")); // this does nothing

so how do I make it tick?

I’ve tried the following at my class initialization, without luck:

this->SetActorTickEnabled(true); // this does nothing
this->RegisterActorTickFunctions(true); // this crashes the game horribly
this->RegisterAllActorTickFunctions(true, true); // this does nothing

I’d love to figure this out :slight_smile:

I believe this is what you want to set.

PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

that works, thanks a lot!

had same issue, same fix, thanks