Make Spring Arm change angle rather than it's length in the Rolling Ball template?


I am having some problem, with the Spring Arm Component, in the Rolling Ball template.
I want to make the spring arm so, that it doesn’t change his length on collision, rather it’s angle.
It would be similar to, what you can see in the “Marble Blast Gold” named game.
Use Pawn Control Rotation and the Do Collision Test on the Spring Arm is set to True.
For more visually help i attached some image from the game, and also from the Rolling Ball blueprint.
Also the camera doesn’t look at the ball like in the game, it’s only a fixed one.

So my question is : How could this two functions be created using Blueprints?

Thanks, !

I have solved my two questions.
First i needed to change on the Spring Arm the Target Offset on the Z axis, i attached some screenhots so you can see it!
Second i made a simple Camera Look at Target blueprint you can see for yourself on the attached screenshot!
