How to make an object rotate on holding of a key (and stop on release)?

I am trying to make a Blueprint such that it will rotate itself on the holding of a key, and stop when the key is released. After many trial and error methods I have found a way but it is flawed in the fact that it can only rotate once, and then stops, for I have simply told it to rotate the same in the other direction on release of the key.

I can make an object rotate permanently on the press of a key easily, or rotate each key-press (only 1 rotation per holding of the key), but I can’t find how to get the blueprint to continue rotating till the key is released. Is it possible to add a delta-seconds or tick feature so that the rotate each key press method (same as shown but without the delay-loop) continues whilst the key is held? If not then can someone shed some light in how I can get the object to rotate whilst the key is held, thanks.

I have attempted to use the Set Timer tool, creating a CustomEvent to be called whenever loop is active, yet nothing is reaching the CustomEvent…

Sorry to be asking so much but if anyone could help explain here where it’s going wrong as well, I would greatly appreciate it.

Another suggestion might be to use Timelines: