[Animations] Adding New Sequences to Character

Hello everyone, I’m pretty new when it comes to UE4 but I feel that I am learning to work with the blueprint system fairly rapidly.

I bought the Realistic Weapons Blueprint system out of curiosity. I decided to try to merge it with the free animations provided by Epic Games on the marketplace and so far it has gone pretty well.

The guns are attached to sockets I added on the hands, and I can fire it. However, I can not figure out how to modify the animation when I look up or down.

Also, I am just left mindblown trying to add new sequences to the locomotion. I’m trying to add the idle ironsights animation sequence whenever right mouse button is held down, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how this system works.

I did read the documentation, but it didn’t quite help me. So I was hoping maybe someone out there has some good pointers where to start.


I managed to find This Tutorial

It helped me learn a little bit about how the blend spaces work, will play around with it a bit and see what I can figure out. I still haven’t found any good information on how to make it so I can actually aim around.

I would suggest checking out this question -

In general, what you are looking for is called AimOffset. It is not very hard to setup. You can look into the Shooter Game for an example on how to make it work properly.

As for the aiming - just add a boolean variable and set it to true when your right mouse button is pressed and to false when it is released. Then you can have a Blend By Bool node which blends betweem two blendspaces - one with hips aiming and another with ironsights aiming - and control it with your new variable.

See here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM4kmLaBF10J2qsezFz-zxA i think the #4 video covers your questions.

Thanks, I actually managed to find these last night and I followed them. I believe I’ve set everything up as it should be, cause in the AimOffset editor, it behaves like it should when I move the cursor around.

However, I can not get it to work so when I aim around in-game, my character just stands there with the idle pose.

Did you added the Tab input key and clicked tab? Does you character walk without that?

No I did not. I’ve got the running and aiming working just fine. It’s the aiming offset I can’t get to work. :frowning:

Watch the video again, i made my aimoffset with it, you missed something. Without more info i cannot offer more suggestions…

I’ve watched it a few times, and I remain confused. If I edit the Yaw and Pitch values in the Event Graph using the sliders to the left - the aim offset changes, but it does not while actually playing - Yaw and Pitch outputs 0, so it’s not being updated I guess.




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Managed to fix it, seemed to be because of the Delta Time in the interp function; I had tried it without the interp and it didn’t work back then so I had ruled that out.

I didn’t know how he set the variable for AnimDeltaX, so I tried to use Get World Delta Seconds and now it seems to work - seems a little bit laggy though…

Also, it only works with Pitch. Will see if I can fix it.

Also try this: Open the ThirdPerson character and compare the yaw values from the character movement components. Maybe you have to set a yaw value, for instance i use 180, will check this topic later again - just about to go and take a nap :slight_smile: