Light goes through my BSP box walls

Hi I’m very new with UE4 and I’ve just been following the Level Creation tutorials where he uses Boxes to create the walls and floors and ceilings in a building but in the video these walls are casting shadows although when I place them they are not casting shadows for me, props and architecture objects that I have placed in the level are casting shadows but none of the BSP walls are, I have looked through the details of the Box Brushes being used as walls in the World Outliner and I can not find any option to turn on “Cast Shadows” or anything like that, the only options I have are Transform, Brush Settings, Surface Materials, Geometry, Surface Properties and Actor. Under Surface properties I have the option to change Lightmap Resolution and Lightmass settings, I have tweaked all of these options and still no shadows are created. I figure I must have done something wrong but I don’t know what?

Deleting the scene’s “Light Source” light then undoing that action solved it for me. Good luck.

been learning more about UE4 and found that you’ve gotta rebuild the lighting. just thought I’d edit my original answer :stuck_out_tongue: