Best modeling software for unreal Engine 4?


i’m not sure what’s best software to create 3D assets for UE4 and can edit animations in the modeling software I was thinking about getting Cinema 4d but not many video tutorials how to model and animate stuff for UE4.

Also i have no idea how to Change my first person to have Arms / have a weapon or cast a spell like fire i know i’ve goto to create a model for arms and stuff but im clueless.


I recommend blender.

I’ve been using it for my game and it works great.

If you get over the steep learning curve you won’t regret it.

I’d recommend using either Blender or Maya, but it all really depends on your budget.
Maya is more in depth but costs hundreds to thousands of dollars, mostly due to packages and subscriptions.
Blender on the other hand is easier to use and free, but not as in depth.