Application wont start correctly (0xc000007b)

I found the solution! Go here and download the installer. Uninstall and dont repair. Then reinstall.


I cant use the engine. When I click the shortcut this message come up “The application was unable to start correctly ( 0xc000007b) Click OK to close the application”

Is there a fix for this?

Im running windows 8 64 bit

It was due to the msvcr120.dll in system 32. If you have the same problem. delete that first and try again. thats what I did.

Your link seems to be broken. Can you update it please, I have the same error :frowning:

Hi Spazmortis! You’re absolutely right that it looks like for some reason the VC2013 redistributable didn’t get installed properly. It looks like you were trying to link to this page, which should work: Thanks for investigating this, and thanks for your patience.


Ya, great find Spazmortis! If anyone else finds themselves in this situation and the uninstall/install of VC2013 redistributable does not fix the issue then I would suggest checking out the answer here: