Rootmotion, snaps back to start, no RootMotion settings

In 4.7:

There are no RootMotion settings available in the AnimInstance Blueprint. My Blueprint is based on a C++ class extending UAnimInstance.

The animation works correctly with the physics switched out correctly to flying, then back to walking, but at the end of the animaiton the actor snaps back to it’s starting location.

There used to be a section for the RootMotion in the bluePrint. I believe that now in 4.7 this is a private variable and not exposed to be edited.

Hi, rootMotion can still be enabled./disabled from the AnimInstance graph tab, your screenshot shows an AnimMontage so the options does not exist there.

This does not fix the fact that the actor snaps back to it’s starting point.

This picture in the instructions shows the RootMotion section: docs
Scroll down to Establishing the AnimMontage. You will see the instructions.

Regardless of whether I’ve shown the cause correctly, the fact is that I am having difficulty with root motion, it snaps back to it’s starting point after the clip. The clips have RootMotion enabled on them. I was asking about the Montage and trying to get the thing set up to work correctly.

Please ensure everything is like in this screenshot, rootmotion works fine for me with this configuration. Feel free to show us some screenshot of your AnimInstance configuration so that we could help you more precisely.

There are several clips on the Montage. There is are two prep ones at first, that are not root motion, then a leap that is and it has the Root Motion Mode from Everything, then the landing clip that is not Root Motion.

I have events that switch physics to flying during the leap.

That works. But at the end of the montage the actor teleports back to the postion it started the leap from.

That could be a AnimMontage specific issue, i tried AnimMontage in the past but it does not fit my needs so i gave it up for hand made animations in C++. I Can’t help you further with this, good luck !

This shows me that it is more likely a bug.

So you made your own C++ solution to avoid AnimMontage because it didn’t work for your RootMotion?

No it’s because it didn’t blend between section and can’t be easily interrupted

Hi mikepurvis,

Would you mind sharing this via zip file so we can take a closer look to see if this is a bug or needs proper set up?


Sure. I can’t send until this evening though. Where do I put it or upload it? Do you need the whole project?

We don’t need the whole project. Just the cat character BP, AnimBP, and associated Anim Sequences/Montage… The best way would be to “Migrate” the cat folder (including anim assets) to your desktop. Zip that folder. Then post the zip folder here. -If it is too large, you can post a link to a third party like Google drive or Dropbox.

I sent a link to a download zip to your email on the UE4 .

Thanks for supplying the files. Please provide repro steps so that I can test the files and write up a bug report if need be.

Hi mikepurvis,

Try unchecking the “Enable Root Motion” box in the Anim Sequence (DC_JumpDiag_Settle) and save. Then check your Montage. It should animate in the correct position now. Let me know if this works.

All animations clips in the montage required root motion checked, and using the ref pose.

Removed everything setting movement mode in the animblueprint. In C++ right before montage called set mode to flying. In the process of the path segment, if it’s not a jump segment, the movement is set to walking.

This fixed it entirely. Thanks for looking at it.

Here is a link showing it working correctly, jumping up, then down a ledge using root motion montages.

link text