Failed mesh import

  • Failed to import ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Users/Admin/Downloads/barrelsss.fbx’.

Failed to create asset ‘/Game/Levels/barrelsss’

Warning Warning: No smoothing group information was found in this FBX scene. Please make sure to enable the ‘Export Smoothing Groups’ option in the FBX Exporter plug-in before exporting the file. Even for tools that don’t support smoothing groups, the FBX Exporter will generate appropriate smoothing data at export-time so that correct vertex normals can be inferred while importing.

Error No triangles were found on mesh ‘Mesh’

Error Import failed.

I’ve been importing all kinds of meshes just fine until this one. Can’t really find any answers. I “triangulated” the entire mesh but that didn’t work either.

The mesh is exactly this: Blender for Beginners: Create Realistic Barrels. - YouTube – I tried uploading mesh but I couldn’t

Are there some things I can try to solve this?

The problem was in blender there were several meshes to I had to deselect “combine meshes”. However this imports several separate meshes so I went ahead and combined them in blender. Works fine now!

,I’m having the same issue but don’t understand what you mean by deselect combined meshes. Can you elaborate?

When you’re importing a mesh, simply deselect “combine meshes”. You may need to expand the mesh options by clicking the down arrow.

You can also just make sure to make it all one object in whatever software you used to create the mesh.

Hope this helps!

I had this same error. It was because I had an object in blender with no vertices. I had created a cube and deleted all the vertices from it, but the object was still there. I deleted the object and it worked after that.

I just had this happen. I had duplicated my object intending to create a high quality copy for the sake of baking a normal map, and decided to delete the high quality object. I deleted from edit instead of from object mode, so I had a second object referenced in the outliner (default top-left), but the object had no geometry since I’d removed it.