ShooterGame / StrategyGame won't open in an editor built from source

Full error message: Dialog box “the game module ‘ShooterGameLoadingScreen’ could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled.” once I hit okay the editor closes.

Strategy game gives the same error, complaining about StrategyGameLoadingScreen.

Both projects open fine in the precompiled version.

I built the UE4 project using Development Editor configuration on win64.

I had a poke around the project folders and found UE4Editor-ShooterGameLoadingScreen.dll / UE4Editor-StrategyGameLoadingScreen.dll so the project appears to have be compiled. I couldn’t figure out how to recompile it since there was no solution or bat files. Is building a UE4 project done within the editor ?

I’ve also redownloaded the source, the dependencies, and rebuilt it. Using Visual Studio 2013 on windows 7.

Any ideas ?

When you say “I built the UE4 project using Development Editor configuration on win64.”, I assume you also built the ShooterGame and StrategyGame projects too?

Where were UE4Editor-ShooterGameLoadingScreen.dll and UE4Editor-StrategyGameLoadingScreen.dll located on disk?

Hi MarkOBrien. You will need to recompile ShooterGame/StrategyGame using the Development Editor Win64 settings after you build the engine from source. You can create the solution files for the projects by right clicking on their .uproject files and selecting “Generate Visual Studio projects”. If you do not have those menu options, you will need to go to your …/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/ folder and run RegisterShellCommands.bat.

Answered this before in another answer thread:

  1. Right Click on the .uproject file and select, “Generate Visual Studio Files.”

  2. Open the Visual Studio Solution

  3. Make sure your project is set to build for, “Development Editor” in the Solution Configurations drop-down.

  4. Select the project container (Not the Solution Container) in the Solution Explorer, right click on it and select, “Properties.”

  5. Under Configuration Properties select, “NMake.”

  6. Find and replace everywhere that the project is looking for the Launcher installed version of the engine and replace those path with the correct paths to your source built version of UE4.

  7. Clean the Solution.

  8. Build the Solution.

The project should now open without errors in your source built version of the Editor.

If you run the RegisterShellCommands.bat from the GitHub source version before generating the project files, you should be able to skip the manual build path fixups entirely.

Thanks mate. Got it built and launched.

Note for anyone having trouble, make sure you run the RegisterShellCommands.bat as an admin, otherwise it won’t work.

Awesome tip! Thanks Adric

Oh, and you can combine steps 7 and 8 by choosing “Rebuild Solution”, as it does both.

Greetings everyone and thank you for this awesome Engine. My friend got UE4 and we are both discovering it. His english is not good enough, that is why I am speaking of his behalf. Well, it seems we are encountering the same problem: we can not open ShooterGame and StrategyGame and we got the same message: ‘ShooterGameLoadingScreen’ could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled." After running the RegisterShellCommands.bat as an admin, we got the “Generate Visual Studio Files.” by right clicking on
ShooterGame.uproject and StrategyGame.uproject and according to this A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums , we should get the sln file of the game and then start the steps that you mentionned. Unfortunately, the VS project wasn’t created "Just above your Strategy Game project, you should see a new file for Visual Studio. Open it up to take a peek at all of the C++ code behind your game! " like how the tutorial indicates. So If we didn’t get the sln file, then we can not continue the following steps to make the project run. Can you please help us? Thanks.

the problem is : there is an error in your code , open vs file and try to solve error and rebuild project
if it rebuild without error then your project will start normally