Particles SubUV interpolation method - Random?

I tried both ‘Random’ and ‘Random_Blend’ for subUV interpolation method. Both mode pick random starting cell but there is no transition between cells. How do I make it transition like ‘Linear’ or ‘Linear Blend’ mode but starting with random cell? Isn’t it a bug that there’s no transition?

Hi Pinepanda,

Could you be more specific as to what is occuring? I am attempting to reproduce your bug but I am not entirely sure what I should be looking for. Currently I have a followed this tutorial to create a simple subuv, I then set the interpolation method to random, which is allowing each cell to choose a random grid position (in this case, 1,2,3, or 4). It seems to be working as intended. Can you provide me reproduction steps so I can more readily assist you?

Thank you!

Thank you for looking at it.

To see the problem better, start with your fx from the tutorial. Change the spawn rate to 1 in SPAWN module. Go back to interpolation method and observe the difference between ‘linear_blend’ and ‘random’, ‘random_blend’. When you select ‘random’ or ‘random_blend’, notice that each cell choose random grid position but does not make transition to next number or any number.

Since name of property is ‘interpolation method’, user expects transition between cells. The fact ‘random’ and ‘random_blend’ method behaving exactly same makes me believe this behavior of no transition is not by design.

Ideally, ‘random’ in interpolation method should be picking random cell to transition to. Picking random starting cell should be a different property.

Hi Pinepanda,

While I was unable to get it to shift between images in order, i was able to get them to shift images at random. Just below where you mention with selecting random or random_blend there is a variable to adjust image changes. Now, add a subImage index to the particle emitter and it should give you the tools you need to adjust random image changes. I hope this helps!

I got it working! thank you very much