Dragging physic obj does not work as expected in Blueprint version

I recently started at working with Unreal engine and cant find my answer yet. Based on the Blueprint in the physics map of Content Examples, I have tried to implement functions including grabbing and moving a physical object in C++.

My problem is that the grabbed object does not move at all. Below is my Tick code and I checked LatestHandleLocation is updated whenever I moved the player while grabbing the object but grabbed object is stuck in the position where mouse button pressed. Please let me know how I can move the object grabbed by player. I want to keep holding position need to be somewhere in front of player.

The attached picture is the blueprint what I tried to convert into C++. This is third person shooter game style.

void ATutorialCodeCharacter::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	GetCharacterMovement()->MaxWalkSpeed = SpeedFactor * PowerLevel + BaseSpeed;
	FVector curPos = GetActorLocation();
	curPos.Y = InitialYPos;

	// Update the position of the Physics Handle to be always in front of the Player

	if (PhysicsHandleActive == true)
#if 0
		TArray<UBillboardComponent*> Comps;

		if(Comps.Num() > 0)
			UBillboardComponent* FoundComp = Comps[0];
			//do stuff with FoundComp
			LatestHandleLocation = FoundComp->GetComponentLocation();
		FRotator curRot = GetActorRotation();

		// get forward vector
		FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(curRot).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X);

		FVector newPos = HandleDistance * Direction;
		newPos = newPos + curPos;
		newPos.Z += 50;

		LatestHandleLocation = newPos;

		if (PhysicsHandle)
