Cant launch my project due to some dll problem

I think you are somehow running dlls meant for hot reloading. Go to your Binaries folder in your project and delete all your binaries, then get some new ones rebuilt while the editor is closed. If you don’t compile code, grab the binaries from your source control or another programmer.

Hi there,

I am attempting to laucnh our project’s repository version.

But there seems to be a problem with a few of our dll’s.

Strange thing is that the rest of the developers can lanch it besides me :frowning:

I,m running on Windows 8.1 64-bit

Any ideas on how to get through this problem?

Thank you!

After trying all sorts of crazy things, it never ever worked, now i went back to Windows 7 and I still get the error but a bit different now: Crash when attempting to load my project - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums


I just wanted to clarify that this particular problem is no longer an issue for you. If it’s okay with you I will be marking this post as resolved to focus support on the other post. If you feel these are separate problems you can reopen this and we will investigate both issues.


cool lets focus on the other post but its basically the same issue.