How to useAnimationMontage in C++


I’ve downloaded the free animation package from the market place, which includes a bunch of Animation Sequences.
Now I’m trying to use one of these Animations for my Character.
My Character is created in C++ (ACharacter class) with a HeroTPP USkeletalMesh:

ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<USkeletalMesh> character_model(TEXT("/Game/TBContent/Models/HeroTPP.HeroTPP"));


I picked one of the Animation Sequences and created a Animation Montage with it.
Then I’ve created a AnimationBlueprint with an empty slot.

Now I want to start this Animation Montage inside my c++ code

    	ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UAnimMontage> anim_move_montage(TEXT("AnimMontage'/Game/TBContent/Animations/forward_montage.forward_montage'"));
    	anim_move_montage_ = anim_move_montage.Object;

//start montage on move

But Montage_Play() alwys crashes…

Can anyone help?

solved the problem

What was a problem and how to solve it?