Platformer game sample - gamepad input issue

The platformer game sample has gamepad and keyboard support mapped in input.ini but hardwires the spacebar for the intro scene. I modified the blueprint to replace spacebar with the “Jump” Action Mapping and it works correctly for the initial sequence - I can break free from the truck using up-arrow or gamepad. What’s weird is from that point forward during the game, the “Jump” Action Mapping no longer works. Nothing jumps.

Something appears to be causing the use of Jump in the initial sequence to break that Action Mapping after the initial sequence and I’m not sure what. ?

I figured out my issue, by wiring “Jump” into the Level Blueprint it was consuming user inputs instead of the games C++ InputComponent as documented here:

To make gamepad work I created a new InputAction mapping “BreakOut” with and . In the “After Intro” section of the Level Blueprint, remove the node and replace it with .

presto bingo.