How to change Color by key pressed

Hi All,

I found (thank to someone who helped me) 2 videos which help me a lot:
Link 1: Intro to Materials: Dynamic Material Instances | 09 | v4.0 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube
Link 2: Intro to Materials: Dynamic Material Instances cont. | 10 | v4.0 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Those videos are great. But it’s only help tp change coloer from collision.

My Scenario is when player is in touch (collision) with the object and the player pressed a key (let’s say F key) than the object (actor) change color.

Can someone help me to find a way to do it ?

Thank you so much for your attention.


ALdready resolved on my own.

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I have this problem and do not know how to resolve it :frowning: like stated above I have used the tutorial for changing colour on collision but I need it to change while the mouse button is clicked and change back when un-clicked