Rotate camera in the direction of the player

Hello! How to rotate my character, in the direction of second player?


In our Content Examples project that’s under ‘Engine Feature Samples’ nested under the Learn tab has some options on how to rotate the camera towards a player. So going through the Content Examples project may be beneficial to you when you’re trying to set the rotation of the camera up.

Here is a link to our Unreal Engine documents, this one is specifically for the Camera, so it may be of use to you.
Unreal Documents: Cameras in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

I found another link on AnswerHub where they’re speaking of something similar to what you’re asking, they’ve came up with a workaround on how to get their camera to find a player: Find Player camera rotation direction - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hopefully these links and suggestions help you with what you’re trying to achieve. If you have any further questions, please reply back and I’ll assist you further.
