Using sprite sheets?

Hi! Thanks for helping me, first of all :3

I’m migrating my project from Game Maker Studio, and all my animated artwork was saved as sprite sheets. This didn’t use to be a problem, but I have no idea how to use these in collaboration with Paper2D. Will I have to separately split each image into a separate picture? That might be a bit tedious, any easy way of doing this (if it’s the only choice)?



Unreal Engine 4 can use sprite sheets for flip books and individual sprites.
Flip books are for simple 2D animations. Individual sprites can be placed on a level.
I recommend checking out the tutorials on youtube since they are very good.

But here is how to create a sprite from your texture:

Click to Edit Source Region:

Here you will be able to select regions from your texture that will be rendered.

Then you can select individual sprites from your sprite sheet:

The result is a standalone sprite that now you can use:

Yep, You have to do this for each sprite or if your sprite is well separated you can use the extract sprites feature which automatically extracts the individual sprites.

I hope it helps :slight_smile:

Ho! That’s great, I was already ripping out the separate images! Thanks.

I know this is a bit off-topic, but what is that tileset thing I saw? Is there any documentation on it?


It’s off-topic for this question but you can create layered tile maps. I am not sure if there is a documentation. (Maybe google?)

Left: Tile Map (Here you can draw on your tilemap)

Right: Tile Set (Set of images that you can use)

Ah, alright, thanks!

If you used Adobe Flash or TexturePacker or any other sprite sheet tool that exports a .json file along with the image sheet, you can just tell UE4 to import the json file and you won’t even have to manually pull out each frame by hand.