Cannot access C++ struct members in blueprint

I wouldn’t normally file this in bug reports, but I’ve read all the documentation and other questions, and I’m almost sure at this point that I’ve set things correctly. I am trying to make some simple structs that I can access in blueprints. I have two structs, both of which are defined in the same header file as some other UCLASS (inheriting from UObject).

The structs are:

struct FAttribute 

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	uint32 level;

struct FSkill 

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	uint32 level;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	uint32 ip;

I am able to create blueprint variables of type Attribute and Skill, however, I cannot access the level or ip ints from them. From what I’ve read, there should be an auto-generated “break” function I can use, but this does not seem to get created. It does not appear as an option, even if “context sensitive” is unchecked. Could this be a bug? Am I just doing something wrong?


I’m pretty sure Blueprints do not support uint32 as a variable type. I can’t recall in which documentation I read the supported data types, but for integers, I’m quite certain only int32 (“int”) and uint8 (“byte”) are accepted.

Hope this helps you.

Have a nice day, Elewyth

PS: Will update with link to documentation, as soon as I find it.

Edit: Missing support for uint32 int64 uint64 - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums