GenerateProjectFiles fails with FileNotFoundException

Installing UE4 from git sources.
Having: 64-bit, VS Community 13, UE 4.7.2
Cloned git repo, ran Setup.bat succefully.
Then trying to run GenerateProjectFiles.bat giving FileNotFountException: ProjectFileGeneratorModuleRules.dll

Same happening when trying to create C++ project from UnrealEd.
Blueprint project creating fine.

Can anyone advise?

Hi ,

Are you still having trouble with this issue? If so, could you please answer the following questions?

  • Did you download the source code as a zip file, or did you use the GitHub Windows client to make a local copy of the repository on your computer?
  • Have you tried again with the 4.7.3 source code, and do you see the same results?
  • When you mention being able to create Blueprint projects, are you referring to using the binary version of the Editor installed by the Launcher?
  • Could you run the dxdiag tool on your computer and upload the saved text file?

Hi ,

We have not heard back from you for a while. Do you still need help with this issue? I will be marking this issue as resolved for internal tracking purposes, but please feel free to re-open this post with a comment at any time.