Does steam session management work using the spacewar app id?


So I have the session management working through the editor thanks to the shooter example. I’ve been following this (Online Subsystem Steam Interface | Unreal Engine Documentation) documentation to figure out how to get my game set up with steam.

Whenever I create a game my friend can’t see it in the server browser, but when I do it through the editor with myself locally, it seems to work. When I launch the game, the steam overlay initiates and I can use shift+tab to get to the overlay, and it says i’m playing spacewar.

I understand that we’re using the app id for spacewar because you have to get an app id through greenlight, but will I still be able to test session management over the internet with the packaged version without a proper app id?

Heres my log:

No, same region

If your friend is in a different region of the world, this question might shed some light:

The APP-ID should totaly work. You can use this ID in your packaged game too. Just add it in the config file.