Is there any way to preload assets in blueprint?

is there any way to preload assets in blueprint for mobile? all my games stutter/ lag / jitter / pause for a second or so only the first time the assets are used it may be sounds, particle emitters or animations. is there any way around this?
any advice is much appreciated, thanks.

I’m having the same issue. Surely there is a way to pre-load assets on level generation. Ill shoot you an answer if I find anything digging elsewhere.

did you find anything? a “load asset into memory” node would be good. I’m thinking of maybe having a loading screen and spawning and destroying assets and playing sounds at 0 volume in the background. be good if someone could confirm if this is a good or bad thing to do.

Unfortunately I did not find a solution to this other than what you have mentioned. My only concern would be crashing the app loading that many new objects in sequence. Testing on the Samsung Galaxy S4 the “pause” was substantial with a fps drop to 0 until the asset loaded in for the first time. I can only imagine what it would do loading all the the assets in and having a continual “pause” during the loading screen.

I had read another thread though where someone used this method to some success. According to the other user, and unverified by myself, the objects have to be spawned in camera view to be loaded. Keep that in mind, a second viewport/camera something of that nature will be needed to “view” the spawn

Have you tried to add a copy of all assets you want to pre-load into the level - at a set of co-ordinates so far away they won’t render?