Simulating DetailTexturing Material Function

Can’t simulate DetailTexturing Material Expression Node, because the quality is not as good as using original DetailTexturing Material Function.
If complete the example in section “Without the Detail Material Function” of “Material Editor - How To add Detail Textures” on Adding Detail Textures to Unreal Engine Materials | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
the color is lighter (brighter) than if use “With The Detail Texturing Material Function” section example.
It is good if this info (note) present in that section of the official documents

Hey AngelTsvetkov -

There are actually two issues here one is a documentation issue and one is an issue with the actual Material Function. The Documentation for creating the Detail Texturing without the node should look like this in order to make the color match between the two ways:

To correct the Material Function itself so that the Normals will blend correctly you will need to adjust who the Normal Intensity is applied to the Normal like this:

I have reported both of these issues and will keep you informed as we implement the solution, UEDOC-1380, UE-11877.

Thank You
