How do I launch a server?

I’ve done some work and I want to try my game outside of the editor. But I’m not sure how this works. I’ve seen this wiki page; A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums and I’ve tried running the command after I launch the game, but nothing happens.

Like I package out in development mode, open the game and type in " ?listen -game" is that the wrong way to do so?

Where and when should I run it and is the formatting I’ve given wrong?

Normaly you would create a button or something that calls “open YOURLEVELNAME?listen” in the console.

But if you want to create a server when starting the game, you would need to add “YOURMAPNAME?listen -game” to your .exe command.

If you do this over the CMD, you would search for your .exe game file and
do something like “MyGame.exe MyMap?listen -game” and hit enter.

Or you add “MyMap?listen -game” in the settings of the exe (rightclick etc).

I have never done this, but i assume this is the way to do it.

Just a modern update from This Reddit Comment -

C++ solution:

  • You can set the overridePort param in GameInstance::EnableListenServer and then load the level with bAbsolute set to false.

For example to start listen server on port 7779:

World->GetGameInstance()->EnableListenServer(true, 7779);
World->ServerTravel(MapName, false, false);

If you need more complete code instead of this small snippet, let me know and I can try to help.

Edit: new solution that works in blueprints too:

Instead of ?port option (THAT IS SUGGESTED IN EVERY GUIDE???) which does NOT work, put the port at the start like this ”open :7779/MyLevel?listen”

So use console command blueprint node and put that open command.

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