Spawning waves

Hello I’m nate and I’ need some help setting up waves for my game. Waves of bots going to a destination i already have the spawning of a single bot which heads to my home base … now i want to have about lets say 6 waves which have couple different bots each wave getting stronger like a tower defense. How would i go about setting this up i have looked into the tower defense nap unreal has but its mostly c++ any help to get started would be great …

Here is my suggestion:

  1. Create a Blueprint called WaveBlueprint , in there add variables like numberOfBots and strength of bots, now declare a function called SpawnAllBots to spawn bots based on these two variables

  2. Create a Blueprint called WaveManager , there add variables like IntervalBetweenWaves, WaveManagerLifeTime, minBotNumber, maxBotNumber and add a timer and set its tick interval dependent on IntervalBetweenWaves. try to spawn new instances of WaveBlueprint and set their numberOfBots using this formula:

numberOfBots = minBotNumber + maxBotNumber*(TimeSInceManagerActivated)/WaveManagerLifeTime)

and then call their SpawnAllBots function;

this way, at the WavesManager’n activation (where TimeSInceManagerActivated=0) your manager will spawn a wave with minBotNumber as the wave’s population, at the middle of manager’s lifetime, the population of newly spawned waves are about (minBotNumber+maxBotNumber)/2 and at the end of manager’s liftime, waves will get spawned with maximum population wich is maxBotNumber. so your manager spawns stronger waves every time.

the only matter is to get TimeSInceManagerActivated variables. try to store the instansiation time of WaveManager in a variable (lets call it Birth) at BeginPlay, like Birth = now and then you can say:

TimeSInceManagerActivated = Now - Birth

at last don’t forget to put a Manager in your level (or spawn it from level blueprint if you want)

And here is link on how to set up a timer in BP

I hope it has been helpful

For the blueprints Wave blueprint Wave Manager. what type of Blueprints would that be under? Actor or another type?

Thanks for Helping me I now have a Starting point.Now I am a real new to this how would i get my WaveBlueprint Function set up? I Am not asking to get spoon fed but What i have so far in my function is a set bots and set strength. and I am trying to set my spawn ai from class