multiple instances of an actor

so i got the basic code set up

if (i > 0)

 FVector NewLocationd;
 NewLocationd.X = 100;
 NewLocationd.Z = 100;
 NewLocationd.Y = 100;

 NewActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AMyActor>(GetClass(), NewLocationd, FRotator::ZeroRotator);

 NewActor->i = i - 1;
 i = 0; 


the actor i got has a cone shape and goes up because of another function, what i would expect to happen is that this one would be spawned at location x 100 , y 100 and go up along the z axis,

but i still only see the original cone going up not 2 as i would expect, no errors or anything like that so i was wondering if it was because i set the cone shape in the unreal editor and it doesnt carry over to the newly created actor? if thats the case how do i make it visible as a cube or a cone?

btw what i am trying to do is to create 2 instances of the actor, so there are 2 cones, everything i have tried so far dont produce any result or crash the engine.

i have been trying to get this to work for 4 days now, so i am getting kinda tired, i am not trying to do much just trying to get 2 instances of the same actor as a certain type of shape, i have been looking at tutorials reading for hours and all of it seems to have code that doesn’t work any more, any way if you have any input please share