UE4.7 Crashes on level Load (no log..) but a BP.

Hey guys,

i made a Blueprint to create procedural Buildings for our game and i works quite fine. But at some point in the leveldesign process a level populated with some of those buildings crashes. When i try to open the map again the editor will crash instantly (at 97% loading).

I renamed the asset file in windows since i had this BP recently added nothing else was changed. After renaming i can load the levels again but the buildings are not there anymore (of course…).

I really dont know what is causing the error maybe one of you guys can take a closer look at the BP and make suggestions or even sees an major error…

Here is a DL with the asset: https://www.dropbox.com/s/na51uo97v37meys/BP_Building.rar?dl=0

Really seeking help with that one. Thank you very much!