Add instance and mobile

I’m trying to make a procedure generated room in ue4’s tutorial Blueprint Generating Procedural Rooms | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube
which looks good on PC but extremely slow on mobile(about 5 fps). I guess it’s the problem that in the blueprint it called add instance lots of times(for each wall and floor ) but i cant find a way to make it faster while making the procedural room still work. any idea?

Instancing isn’t supported on mobile. Look into techniques such as texture atlases, batching your meshes in your 3D modeling software, and culling volumes. Developing for mobile involves lots of tricks and heavy, heavy optimization

thank you. so instead of instance how can i create the static meshes in mobile?

sorry i didnt’ get it. is it mean i still use add instance but use these tech to minimize performance cost or i use these tech to write my new add_instance_on_mobile? thanks for your time again :slight_smile:

It’ll be manually. That’s where mesh batching, texture atlasing, and culling volumes will all come into play, so you minimize performance cost


You’ll pretty much not use instancing in any capacity. You can manually spawn meshes but they won’t be instances. I’d recommend manually setting up the environments in the level editor for mobile development. You’ll have the most control over your limited lighting and performance optimization

Google those terms I mentioned and read up and learn up. It’s unfortunately too hefty to go over it all right here. You can private message me on the forums if you want some help finding info though

i cant find the spawn meshes in blueprint, what do you mean by manually do that? and how to change the level editor for mobile dev?
so the terms you mentioned are some other way to optimize with nothing to do with this spawn mesh thing?
thank you and sorry i dont know how to private message on this forum…

Just in case your target mobile is iOS you can use static instanced meshes for iOS and in the release notes for 4.7: New: Devices that use Metal now render static instanced meshes using hardware acceleration.

Ah nice, thanks for mentioning that

but what for android phone? how to spawn meshes except adding instance?